Should Toys Be More Gender-Neutral?

Related ArticleCredit Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times
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Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

Walk into a toy store, and you are likely to see toys specifically designed and marketed for boys or girls — without very much overlap. With pink and blue color coding, and princess and action-hero designs, manufacturers seem to be using more and more gender messaging to sell their toys.

Should toys be more gender-neutral?

Room for Debate asked the question, “Why Should Toys Come in Pink and Blue?

Elizabeth Sweet, a postdoctoral scholar and lecturer in sociology at the University of California, Davis, argues that toy marketing reinforces gender stereotypes:

In my research on historic toy advertisements, I found no period during the 20th century when the gender based marketing of toys was anything near what we see today. In the 1975 Sears catalog, for example, toys came in many hues, and science kits and kitchen sets showed boys and girls working together.

But with the growth of the consumer economy, toy companies worked to stimulate demand by honing their appeal to kids. Gender categorization provided a handy tool for toy companies to define target markets, and gender stereotypes drew the interest of young children forming their own sense of identity.

There was also a shift in cultural understandings of gender: Belief that men and women are fundamentally different, and stereotypes about women, grew in the 1980s and 1990s despite broad support for gender equality.

Today, the pink-washed versions of toys that had been marketed solely to boys for decades are promoted as a shift toward gender neutrality. But while these toys may broaden the offerings within segregated toy aisles, they do nothing to challenge the underlying fact that the aisles are still segregated. And rather than busting stereotypes, such toys reinforce the idea that gender is the primary determinant of interests and skills.

On the other hand, Jim Silver, the chief executive and editor of TTPM, a website publishing reviews for toys, writes that toy makers are listening to parents and children:

Since I’ve been working in the toy business for more than 25 years, I am often asked, “What should I buy my daughter or son?” My usual response is something like, “Does your daughter like Hot Wheels? Or does your son like activity or cooking toys?” The days of applying a gender to a toy are declining.

Toy manufacturers have noticed this trend and are making changes on some of their traditional “boys or girls” toys that they feel will make them attractive to the opposite gender. For example, after some controversy, the Easy-Bake Oven introduced a black and silver version — although I would like to debate with whoever declared the purple oven a “girl” color. Lego introduced its Lego Friends line to attract more girls, to resounding success. Initially, the line was criticized for trying to appeal to girls by using pink and purple — a color palette associated with a “girls” toy. Was it successful by using these colors? Yes. But there’s more to it — the line succeeded because Lego Friends incorporated interests that girls found attractive, such as a horse stables set.

Students: Read the entire Room for Debate feature, then tell us …

— Should toys be more gender-neutral? Would more gender-neutral toys help boys and girls discover their own unique interests, rather than be boxed into gender-specific expectations? Or, does the growing number of toys marketed specifically for boys or girls simply provide families with more choices? Why?

— Do gender-directed marketing efforts actually diversify the types of toys boys and girls play with? For example, do they get girls to play more with archery sets and construction kits that they might otherwise not like?

— Or, does color coding toys pink and blue based on gender stereotypes reinforce gender biases? Do gender-specific toys perpetuate the notion that interests and skills are inherently gender based — that boys and girls naturally like different things?

— Do you think parents and children appreciate gender messaging in toys? Does pink and blue color coding in toys make toys more appealing for boys and girls? Or, does it turn off some families and children?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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I am not even going to answer these questions. Instead I’m going to ask you (NYTimesLearingNetwork) why we are focusing on these petty and foolish topics. None of these topics really matter in the grand scheme of things. Why don’t we introduce students to national topics that concern our nation, focusing more on important matters such as border control and less on people who are easily offended. I am offended by their political correctness. Talking to my fellow students, only a select few actually know what they are talking about when discussing politics. One student’s response when asked where she stood politically, responded, “The political party against Obama”. These are the exact words of that student. Wow. These kids have no clue what is going on in the country. It isn’t that they have different views, it is that they don’t know, they haven’t been exposed to this stuff. Albeit exposing the children is the job of parents, many don’t expose their children. My mother and father exposed me to this, and despite being the youngest child, am the only one in my family that doesn’t associate with any political party. Kids these days need to think for themselves. We need to put this into the curriculum. And it starts with you. Start writing articles about the affairs of this country, and maybe we can save it from the downfall it is in. (Yes I am submitting this as a comment on their article.)

Chris, Thank you for your very thoughtful comment. On The Learning Network, we try to ask questions about a range of subjects in our Student Opinion feature, just like The Times itself writes about a wide variety of issues. Just in the past two weeks, for example, we asked about negotiations with Iran, diversity in education and Indiana’s “religious freedom” law. You can see some of the breadth of our topics in our “301 Prompts for Argumentative Writing” and “500 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing.” Lastly, I want to add that the topic of gender bias and stereotypes, whether it is in toy marketing or wage inequality, is an important issue for many people. – Michael

I believe that the question presented in this article is entirely up to a company to choose from. In any case, there will still be toys for both boys and girls. Companies can choose which audience they wish to cater to. If they want to cater to boys only then so be it. As a result, toys such as Nerf guns or firetrucks are made under the stereotype that boys are “rowdier”. If the company decides that trying to appeal to both sexes through the same toy is the best choice to make, they can do whatever they want. However, there is nothing wrong with a girl playing with Nerf guns or with firetrucks. The same goes for the males; there is nothing wrong with playing with dolls if you are a male. So instead of asking the question whether toys should be more gender-neutral, we should ask, “how will we make our children more accepting of the opposite sex”.

Good article, I think there is a place for both girls and boys toys, but there is also nothing wrong with more neutral toys, they all have their place, I think science toys are a great gender neutral choice, I recently purchased a couple of these and my girls loved them: //

I myself believe that no matter what there will always be toys for boys and girls. Companies are gonna target the genders specifically no matter what. It is okay to have toys for a specific gender. Gender neutral toys are okay too. I believe that with gender specific toys help girls/boys have more in common with their gender and they are not judged for playing with the opposite genders toys. Having gender neutral toys would conclude in all kids having some kind of thing in common. With gender neutral toys, kids can play together more easy than they can with gender specific toys. Both gender specific and gender neutral toys are good, toys are toys, they bring out kids creativity no matter what.

I think it depends on the object.I think that there are things that boys and girls can like and use.I also think that there are things that should be for just boys and just girls.

I think that the color coding defintely attracts kids, but there is much more to it. If someone is selling a pink colored dinosaur, I don’t think that many girls would be interested, but then again, everyone is different and it all depends on personality. I don’t see anything wrong with different gender toys. On the other hand, gender neutral toys have their own strengths. I still remember a time when my little brother went to a playdate with his two best friends. One of his friends was playing with a barbie, and toy soldiers. The other started making fun of him, because Barbies are apparently “girl toys.” Gender neutral toys can prevent the destructive criticism between friends. But I am pretty sure that it all depends on personality, and the way you think about things.

Should gender differences between men and women be legislatively abolished, or should genuine differences between men and women be recognized?
(I know that this is a question in the alternative and it can arguably be answered with a “Yes” or a “No”, but the question is posed for purposes of discussion, not for purposes of an a “correct” answer that does not forward thoughtful consideration of the issue.)

I think that its really important to have gender neutral toys. My little brothers and sisters played together with each others toys all the time, and i hate to think of what older kids would think when they see one of my little brothers playing with a doll. But what amazes me most about little kids is that they don’t care about stuff like that, they just want to play.

I’m currently doing my final year dissertation project on gender neutral fashion and would really appreciate any responses to this survey!! Thanks!

I think that since we have already used non-gender neutral toys that girls will never be accepted as a child if they like the color blue or if boys like the color pink or purple. We should make more gender neutral toys because even as children you will be judged if you are a girl and you don’t have your pretty in pink tea cup. I find it weird that color can determine whether if it is “boy” or “girl” toy. I think pink will attract girls more than blue and blue will attract boys more than pink. But, children should be able to like whatever they want without thinking they are wrong.

I believe so. I have a two year old daughter who has been given gender neural toys and colors since the age of one carefully minimizing princesses and violent male figures. She once saw group of girls playing with castle and barbies. She enjoyed playing with them just like any child. Then when it was time to get up, she chose a tv remote and a car which were a part of the entire play. Some time ago people were not told you have to play with this or that. There were gender inequalities back then, but as time progressed, people have become more aware of gender issues surrounding them. Putting limits on a child’s imagination (either ways) is not a very advantageous situation for any advanced civilization. After all, human race has only progressed through evolution. Who are we to define what is right and what is not right for evolution.Male and female brain are incredible processors with their own pros and cons and by compartmentalizing children into pink and blue world, we are inhibiting this process of learning from each other now and even later.

When I buy a toy for my kids, I look for something they can both play with together. I try to find toys that involve imaginative and creative play rather than toys that are limiting in the way kids can play with them. I let both my children (I have a boy and a girl) decide what they like on their own, insisting there is no such thing as a boy or girl toy, toys are just toys, and that’s it.

Today we bought trucks for both of them. They also played dress up, in dresses. They play monsters,super heroes, chefs, princesses, pirates, doctors, scientists, robots, astronauts, shopping, babies, and coloring/crafts, among other things! I find myself straying from the big box stores when shopping for toys because of the pink/blue divide (this goes for clothes too!). We also don’t watch television (we do watch programs online and movies we buy, but not tv) because of the very gendered ads (other reasons too of course, but mostly the ads).

It’s unfortunate that many parents direct kids to play with toys based on what they think is appropriate or acceptable instead of what their kids want to do, even as a protection method (i.e. some parents won’t let their boys wear pink because they could get bullied-but that doesn’t protect their kids, it protects bullies). And so many kids are well, brainwashed, by such a young age. It seems these parents have also been brainwashed, by toy and clothing companies and stores; totally sold on “girl/boy” stuff.

It’s not just a lot of parents either, it’s also the media they are exposed to, and other people in their lives. But it’s really companies and stores trying to sell more stuff. The few ads my kids are exposed to I have made sure my kids know that the reason the ad even exists is to convince them to buy something.

But sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, especially with my son. My daughter can wear any color she wants without fear of being bullied. My son picked out a black backpack with rainbow owls on it, and one of the other boys at his school kept saying how he had a “girl’s backpack,” repeating it in a sing-song manner. I feel sorry for kids like that, little bullies that parrot and eventually believe what they see and hear. I told my son that he can like whatever he wants, including what others might say is just for girls. They can have their beliefs, but the real reason they might pick on someone else is because THEY have the problem. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him being who he is, or experimenting or discovering new things, in order to become himself.

I was called a “tomboy” when I was a kid because I loved nature and science, kept my cabbage patch doll in the box and only ever had one Barbie I hardly ever played with. I was constantly playing outside and just didn’t want to play with dolls. There’s nothing wrong with playing with dolls, it just didn’t appeal to me. Maybe part of it was because I have two brothers and we were always encouraged to play together, and we were always in the creek or making a mud pie or riding bikes. Nothing we did ever seemed to belong to just one gender or the other.

And that’s how I want it for my kids. I don’t want them to feel limited by their gender. I don’t want them to feel like they are only allowed to play with certain things or in a certain way. Rather, I want them to experience as much as possible, and make their own decisions. I think more gender-neutral toys would be awesome.

I think that kids shouldn’t have to pick a toy that matches their gender. For example a girl might want to play with a toy car or a bow. The other day I saw a mom yelling at her son just because he wanted something that was pink. I’m 16 and I like playing with guy toys there ain’t nothing wrong with that. If the kid don’t like to play with a bow but would love to play with dolls so what. I think that that toys should be for all kids no matter if its pink or blue. I think some parents might like it but not all. We shouldn’t be making kids pick what toy they should play with just because the color and if they are a boy or girl. We are all human so i think it don’t matter what color it is as long as the kid likes to play with it.

i think they should have them for both transgender people and boys

Well this isn’t a thought but this is a question can you make an article about why little girls want to experience new things while playing with their toys and want to play with the boy toy instead of the girl toys.